In the marketization of urban public utilities in china, franchising is currently confronted by some major problems, such as inadequate government supervision, promises being broken, ineffective pricing mechanism, poor contract design, and lack of laws and regulations. 摘要当前,特许经营制在我国城市公用事业市场化中面临着政府监管不力、承诺失信、定价机制不全,合同设计不完善、法律法规缺乏等主要问题。
That's an ineffective contract. 这是一个无效合同。
The compensation system of trust-benefit applies not only to an invalid, ineffective and abandoned contract but also to some other situations such as awaiting efficiency, dissolution of a contract, the lose of the right of abandoning a contract. 信赖利益赔偿制度不仅适用于合同不成立、无效和被撤销,而且可以适用于效力待定、合同解除、可撤销合同之撤销权丧失与不行使等场合。
Ineffective product liability lies between the field of contract and tort. 无效产品责任处于合同法和侵权行为法的交错领域。
Protection to Legally Ineffective Contract 未生效合同的保护
Contracting fault of ineffective contract; 合同无效之缔约过失;
That the contract is effective or ineffective directly impacts on the intentes of the parties to achieve the interests of the contract can be effectively realized. 合同的有效与无效直接影响着当事人意图通过合同实现的利益能否得到切实实现。
Adjust the contract is equal relationships between the main laws, the main conclusion of the contract specification, contract and the effective and ineffective performance of the contract, change, disarmament, security, breach of contract responsibilities and so on. 合同法是调整平等主体之间的交易关系的法律,主要规范合同的订立、合同的有效和无效及合同的履行、变更、解除、保全、违反合同的责任等问题。